
To return an item you must do the following:

  • Complete the return form below (fields marked * are mandatory)
  • You will receive an email with a pdf copy of your completed form and details of next steps
  • Clearly mark/identify any hazardous items being returned
  • Enclose a printed copy of your form with the package(s) being returned and send to:

Thermosense Limited
Goods Inwards (Returns)
Eton House, Eton Way North
Radcliffe, Lancashire
M26 2ZT, UK

Note: items sent to our incorrect address will incur an additional carriage charge. View our returns Terms and Conditions

Reason for Return

Please select your reason for return*

1 terms and conditions apply

Your Details

Return Details

Statement of Non Hazardous Shipments

Please select whether the return shipment has been in service or not*

Hazard Classification

Please select the hazard classification of the return shipment*

If hazardous, please specify the type:

If an item has been used in a hazardous area, please include the MSDS/COSHH document that applies

Statement of Electrical Safety

Please select whether any electrical mains-powered devices being returned have been tested/defined as electrically safe*

View our privacy policy for details on how we collect and use your information